
Terms related to the topic of Planetary Health in the food industry defined together with topic experts: From A for Agri-Tech to Z for Cell-based Proteins.



Agri-I is the term used to describe tools that use artificial intelligence to ensure more sustainable and efficient agriculture.


The term Agri-Tech is made up of the two words Agriculture and Technology and stands for how modern technology can be used in the agricultural industry to find more sustainable solutions and feed more people.


Algae can provide a high-protein alternative to feed the world's ever-growing population.

Alternative protein sources

Alternative protein sources offer an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional protein sources.


Bio-based Materials

Bio-based materials are materials produced from renewable sources of biomass.


Carbon Farming

Carbon farming refers to a set of agricultural practices and techniques that aim to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and sequester it in the soil to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Circular Blockchain

The Circular Blockchain supports the circular economy by identifying and monitoring materials and components throughout the supply chain so they can either be reused, remanufactured, or (when that is no longer possible) recycled or composted.

Circular Food Chain Architecture

In biological systems, there is a continuous exchange of substances that enables growth, stress, decay, regeneration, adaptation, and development. Characteristics of regenerative systems are that they are embedded in each other as subsystems with nested loops and that a dynamic, circular exchange of substances occurs.

Cooking Robots

Cooking robots are kitchen robots that are fully automatic and capable of cooking various dishes and cleaning the dishes afterwards.

Cultivated Proteins

Cultivated proteins are exactly the same proteins that we consume today through the consumption of meat and fish, except that they are not produced by the rearing and slaughter of animals, but are cultivated from cells in so-called fermenters.


EAT Lancet Commission

The 2019 EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health has published global goals for healthy eating and set environmental limits on food production.



Fermentation is a biological process in which microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts or fungi convert carbohydrates into acid, alcohol or gases in the absence of oxygen.

Food Waste

Food waste and wastage (food waste) is food that is not consumed. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous and occur throughout the food system.

Food Trends

Food trends - unlike product trends hyped by the media - contain proposed solutions to current and emerging nutritional problems.


Healthy Nutrition

"Healthy Nutrition" or "Healthy Eating" means providing our bodies with the right nutrients to ensure long-term health. This is achieved through a balance of macro and micro nutrients.

Holy Grail

The HolyGrail 2.0 pilot project aims to use digital watermarks on packaging to optimally separate waste in sorting plants.

Hybrid proteins

Hybrid proteins are meat-blend products that consist of another component in addition to meat, such as vegetables or cell-based protein.



The Internet-of-Waste is the prevention, saving and reuse of waste through the use of the Internet-of-Things (IoT).


Local Exotics

Local exotics refers to the regional cultivation of foods such as vegetables or fruits that normally grow only in faraway countries.

Low-to-high value method

The low-to-high value process describes the recycling of low-value food industry waste into high value-added products.